Basic InformationPlease provide us with basic contact information about your organization. Note that the key contact and email will not be visible to the public but all other information (address, etc.) will be public.
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You can resize the image by using your trackpad or your mouse's scroll wheel, and you can click and drag the image to move it. Aim to make the image as big as possible.


Sustainable Finance InformationPlease provide us with information about the types of activities you do in sustainable finance. Status: (in this format, single select) Definitions Active = your organization does sustainable finance activities but it is not the sole or primary focus Focused = sustainable finance is the sole or primary focus
Please note if you are signatory of the Principles of Responsible Banking or Investment (PRB or PRI)
Category refers to the type of role your organization takes in the financial system.
Activities are specific actions your organization does related to sustainable finance. Please note for each activity you select you should provide an example in the text box below so we can verify your work.

Admin InformationPublished = live , reviewed/unreviewed = not visible to public
terms of serviceYou can at any time request deletion of any personally identifiable information by emailing our GDPR compliance representative at

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